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Monday, August 10, 2009

Care For Your Skin Without Breaking the Bank? Here's How

I often have a lot of inquiries on skin issues directly related to makeup so I thought of sharing some do's and don'ts that will help prevent your favourite-holy-grail-can't-leave-the-house-without makeup from giving you problems.

Past its prime, the makeup that you love can actually cause acne and skin irritation. We've found that the dye used in certain makeup is also a major culprit in pigmentation on the cheekbones.

How and where you keep it is half the battle won.

A cool area that is exposed to minimal sunlight would mean your makeup does not break down so quickly into its chemical derivatives (which are always a non no for skin). Keep your bottles and jars closed after use, exposure to air often causes oxidation (darking of the makeup) and possible contamination.

Next, consider the next couple of tips:

- If you use makeup with retinol, the retinol will "expire" and stop being effective in about 4 weeks. The good news is that you can still use it and there will not be side effects, the bad news is that you won't be able to derive the benefits of the retinol ingredient.

- Interestingly, mascara is the item on your counter (or in the handbag) with the shortest lifespan and the highest susceptibility to bacterial contamination. A good rule of thumb would be to replace it every three months. Never share, no good ever comes out of that.

- As a rule of thumb, you should replace creamy products sooner than powders. Your cream blush, foundation and concealer should last about a year. Oil-based foundation, however, lasts longer than water-based - up to 18 months.

- Facial powder, eye shadow, and powder blush, and powders in general - are among the longest-lasting items in your medicine cabinet, and should last for two to three years.

- Eyeliners and lipliners are good for up to three years, sharpen before using.

- Last but not least, the world's greatest invention. Lipstick! This should stay with you for a good three years, until another shade becomes the in thing!

Also, if you notice a change in colour, odour or texture of the makeup, it usually means its time to replace. Not doing so may cause a lot of unnecessary skin issues as time goes by, we've seen clients with acne, pigmentation and uneven skin tone issues that could be traced back to unknowingly using expired makeup.

Lastly, the tools that you use. Wash your makeup brushes and sponges and replace sponges regularly. Lay brushes flat to dry as standing them upright may cause rust on the metal portions and decay in the wooden handles. Brushes are a hotbead for microbacterial activity and that itself, is an acne causing possibility.


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