First lets start with waxing. This is an old fashioned tried and true method but can be quite painful. Hot wax is placed on the back then strips are applied over the wax. The strips are quickly removed, removing the unwanted hair with them. Not a very pleasant experience but it does get the job done.
There are many creams on the market for hair removal. Some of them work well for certain people and skin types. Others report having little success with them. This really depends upon the type of cream you choose as well as your individual skin. Talk to your dermatologist about which cream would be best for your unique skin.
Another method you may want to consider is using an epilator. This device essentially pulls hair out by the roots thus making it more difficult for regrowth. The process does work well yet there are definite drawbacks. Much like waxing epilators can be painful.
Laser is also an option for back hair removal. This process uses light to destroy hair follicles. It slows hair growth considerably but can take several treatments to achieve desired results. This method can be quite a bit more expensive than the above mentioned methods.
Perhaps the best route to a hair free back is to talk to your dermatologist. He or she an guide you in the right direction. Just know that there are options and you don't have to live with a hairy back anymore!
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