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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Foods For Healthy Hair

Having healthy hair is pretty much easy to achieve. That is, if you have a clue as to how. The basics like shampooing and using conditioner are already too trite to mention so I have decided to venture in another direction. Food. The food we eat does affect our hair growth. A healthy diet I have discovered not only flatters the body but also our hair. There are 5 foods I will recommend that can help your hair grow better.

Number one is any dark green vegetables. Spinach and broccoli are good because they are excellent sources of vitamins A and C. These vitamins are vital in the production of sebum, the hair's natural conditioning agent.

The second food you might want to try is oysters. Yes, also known to be aphrodisiacs they are loaded with zinc, a powerful anti - oxidant. But if you don't like oysters, let nuts and whole grains can take their place.

The third one is eggs. I know you already might be eating these in the morning but at least you now know that you can benefit from it. Eggs, whatever way served are still the best source of protein. They also contain beauty nutrients; biotin and vitamin B - 12. If you're wondering whether chicken can take the place of eggs in number 3, the answer is yes.

Number 4 is poultry, which includes both chicken and turkey. They also provide protein but are more known to provide iron that can easily be absorbed by the body.

The last one is salmon. Known for omega-3 fatty acids, it supports scalp health. A scalp deficiency will result in a too dry and flaky scalp that will not compliment your hair. So eat right and be merry. Not just to be in shape but to maintain your healthy hair.


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