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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Easy to Bling Hair Tinsels on Your Hair

If this is your first time blinging, please give yourself plenty of time to practice. Blinging is an acquired skill, and as with anything, practice makes perfect.

1. Take your Bling Strand and fold it in half creating a loop. If the hair is longer, you can stagger the ends making one longer. Next, select a single strand of hair along the part line of your style. If hair is fine, select 2 strands of hair that are very close together. Hold this hair vertically away from the head.

2. Using your right hand, hold the looped Bling, behind the strand of hair. It will form a '+'. Secure the center of the '+'with your forefinger and thumb (see picture 1). Using your other hand, put your thumb and forefinger inside loop and reach through the loop, over the hair across the front, and grasp the ends of the Bling (see picture 2).

3. Pull Bling ends through the loop, pulling slightly, creating a slip knot (see picture 3).

Slide the slip knot to the base of the hair next to the scalp.

4. Now, grasp both ends of the Bling in one hand and the hair in the other.

Make a regular knot, keeping the Bling at the base of the hair next to the scalp. If it helps, have the client put their finger on the slip knot at the base of the hair (scalp) to make sure that the slip knot stays in place while you tie the second knot.

5. Tie one additional knot making sure knots stay in place next to scalp (repeating step 5).

6. Once you gently secure the both regular knots, drop the hair and grasp one piece of Bling in each hand.

Gently tug on each end of the Bling,

pulling in opposite directions. You will feel a slight 'pop'. This is normal and will secure your Bling.

7. Gently smooth down the Bling and trim any long ends.

You are now ready to 'Bling it' in style!


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