1. Facials: Facials can help clean up and detox your face's skin while also pampering the patient seeking one. There are a wide variety of facials available from standard facials to those that help tighten skin, remove wrinkles, detoxify acne, and make the skin look overall more healthy and glowing. They can also help protect the skin from harmful toxins in the environment, such as sun and pollutants.
2. Botox: Botox injections are often offered at medical spas and can offer solutions to a variety of body issues, to include: removal of crows feet, lifting of sagging breasts, soothing of migraines, etc.
3. Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a very popular service offered at medical spas. From waxing of bikini lines to removal of hair on the legs, arms, or upper lip; the treatment effectively removes unwanted hair in one or more sessions.
4. Massages: A staple of almost any reputable medical spa is the offering of massage services for their patients. People seek massages as a way to release built up tension and remove knots located in the back and other bodily areas. From simple 20 minute back massages to full body specialized hour long massages, there are a host of massages that you can receive for various purposes at a medical spa.
5. Acne Laser Treatments: Another laser treatment common to medical spas is laser treatment to rid the skin of chronic acne and the remains of acne. This same treatment has been used to remove wrinkles as well.
6. Facial Peels: A very popular means to exfoliate skin along with pesky acne, scars, and wrinkles is the treatment of facial peels. These treatments use chemicals to burn off the first damaged layers of skin, so that the newer skin is left to show through.
7. Microderm or Microdermabrasion: Microderm or Microdermabrasion is a common treatment used at medical spas to slough off excess damaged skin from the face-predominantly. Physicians applying this technique use a microderm wand that buffs off the dead skin with a rough surface to remove scars and damaged skin but also to promote pink healthy skin below.
8. IPL or Intense Pulsed Light: The intense pulsed light treatment is a fairly new treatment to hit medical spas, and involves the use of light to reduce wrinkles and discolored skin. IPL is also referred to as photofacials, and is done through constricting the blood vessels in the affected area to reduce the negative skin conditions.
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