This is quickly becoming the most popular type of removal processes due to the fact that it can be done in a short period of time, it is painless, and the hair generally doesn't grow back. With the other types of procedures it has to be done on a regular basis because the hair does grow back. Waxing and plucking are quite painful while electrolysis takes a tremendous amount of time because each hair has to be removed individually.
With the advances in this area of technology, laser hair removal can be used on all areas of the body. Both man and women are having the procedures done these days. Sometimes children under 18 are brought in for the procedure as well, but it is only done with the consent of the parents. Women generally want their underarms, bikini area, chin or mustache hairs, and even their legs done.
Men tend to have more hair than women in most instances but they often don't find it to be appealing. They may have a laser session done for hair that is on their back, shoulders, chest, or legs. Most medical professionals in this field say they see just as many men as women electing the procedure.
The process of it is less invasive than other traditional methods of hair removal, but it does cost quite a bit more. A single fifteen minute treatment can remove the hair follicles from small sections and a forty five minute session can remove all of it from the back of a man.
The main drawback of laser hair removal is that their will be some scarring as a result of the laser. For many people the scarring is very light and difficult for other people to see. Each person responds differently to the laser hair removal process.
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